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23/07/2020 | Views: 29960 | Arduino | by: ELECTRONOOBS      

This version of the code has minimum speed detection but it doesn't have speed limit yet. It has only current limit with the feedback from the ACS712. The code starts with the BJT turned ON so we have GND at the MSOFETs gate so those would be OFF. Then, according to the throttle pot, we increase the PWM signal, which is inverter, 255 to 0 instead of 0 to 255, because the BJT acts as an inverter. We only activate the PWM signal if the speed is higher than a certain value and throttle is in the lowest position. We do this for saferty. We don't want the motor to start from 0, that will put it into humming mode and draw so much current it could burn the circuit. So, first, the user should pedal a bit and then accelerate. Read more in the code.

You can download the code from below or just copy+paste it from below as well.

Brushed ESC code (23/07/2020)

Arduino ESC for Electronic Bike

/*E-bike Arduino Brushed DC motor electronic speed controller

  Current limit: I'm using the 20A ACS712 so the multiplier is 0.100V. Change that
  below if you use a differen one. Then change your current limit if you want.

  RPM limit: I'm assuming the wheel has a magnet and a hall sensor. That means one
  pulse per rotation. In my case I've place limit of RMPs to 20, that means 20 wheel
  rotations per minute. If you have a different sensor that would create more than one
  pulse per rotation, change that value. For example: If your sensor creates 5 pulses
  each rptation, you should set rpm_limit to 5*20 = 100 if you want 20 rotation limit

  PWM pulse: The pwm is invertet because we use a NPN BJT at the MOSFET gate with a pullup.
  If you change the scheamtic to a PNP and a pulldown, just go below and where you see
  analogWrite(PWM, 255 - pwm_value); just change that to analogWrite(PWM, pwm_value);
  That would invert the PWM signal

///////////////////////////////////////EDITABLE VALUES/////////////////////////////////////
float current_limit = 7.0;          //Current limit in Ampers
int   rpm_limit = 20;               //RPM limit before enabling the motor. User must push a bit the bike before throttle 
int   Delay = 1;                    //loop delay in ms
float multiplier = 0.100;           //Sensibility in Volts/Ampers for the 20A ACS712 model (100mV)

int throttle_in = A1;       //Throttle potentiometer (0V - 5V)
int current_in = A0;        //From ACS712 IC
int speed_in = 8;           //From wheel hall sensor
int break_in = 9;           //From break switch
int breaklight = 11;        //To the break light LEDs
int indicator = 10;         //A small indicator LED (shows when contorller is ready)
int PWM = 3;                //Connected to the BJT base

unsigned long previousMillis = 0;   //Counter used for loop delay
int pwm_value = 0;
bool power_enable = false;
unsigned long previous_count, current_count;
byte pulse_state;
int one_rotation_time = 0;

void setup() {


  //Set D8 (speed_in) to trigger interrupt (we use this to read RPMs)
  PCICR |= (1 << PCIE0);        //enable PCMSK0 scan                                                 
  PCMSK0 |= (1 << PCINT0);      //Set pin D8 trigger an interrupt on state change. 
  TCCR2B = TCCR2B & B11111000 | B00000010;    // Set D3 PWM frequency to 3921.16 Hz
  digitalWrite(PWM,HIGH);                     // We set it HIGH, so the BJT is on and we have 
                                              // GND at the MSOFET gate (so, MOSFET OFF)


void loop() {
  unsigned long currentMillis = millis(); 
  if(currentMillis - previousMillis >= Delay){  
    previousMillis += Delay;                                            //Increase loop delay by "Delay" value

    float rpm = 60000.0 / one_rotation_time;                            //rotations in one minute (60.000 ms)
    if(break_in){                                                       //Only run the loop if break_in is HIGH (it has pullup)
      digitalWrite(breaklight,LOW);                                     //Turn off breaklight
      int pwm_setpoint =  map(analogRead(throttle_in),0,1023,0,255);    //Read setpoint for throttle
      if(rpm > rpm_limit && pwm_setpoint < 5){                          //We enable power only if RPM is high and throttle low
        power_enable = true;
        digitalWrite(indicator,HIGH);                                   //We indicate that we can increase throttle
      if(rpm < rpm_limit){                                              //When RPM is low, we disable power for safety
        power_enable = false;
        digitalWrite(indicator,LOW);                                    //We can't increase throttle
      if(pwm_setpoint > 5){                                             //Only start increasing after pwm_setpoint higher than 5
        float SensorRead = analogRead(current_in)*(5.0 / 1023.0);       //We read the sensor output  
        float Current = (SensorRead-2.5)/multiplier;                    //Calculate the current value
        if(pwm_setpoint > pwm_value){                                   //Increase PWM (by throttle read)
          pwm_value = pwm_value + 1;
          if(pwm_value > 255){
            pwm_value = 255;
        else if(pwm_setpoint < pwm_value){                              //Decrease PWM (by throttle read)
          pwm_value = pwm_value - 1;
          if(pwm_value < 0){
            pwm_value = 0;
        if(Current > current_limit){                                    //Decrease PWM (by current limit)
          pwm_value = pwm_value - 1;
          if(pwm_value < 0){
            pwm_value = 0;
          analogWrite(PWM, 255 - pwm_value);
      }//End if "pwm_setpoint > 5"
        pwm_value = 0;
        analogWrite(PWM, 255 - pwm_value);
      }//End else "pwm_setpoint > 5"
    }//end if break in

    else{                                   //break_in is low so user pressed break
      pwm_value = 0;
      analogWrite(PWM, 255 - pwm_value);
    }//end of else "break in"
  }//end loop "if currentMillis"
}//end "void loop"

/*This is the interruption routine on pin change
  in this case for digital pin D8 which is the Speed_in input
  We asume taht the Hall sensor circuit will give a HIGH pulse each time
  the magnet passes in front of it and that means one more rotation...

  //First we take the current count value in milli seconds using the millis() function
  current_count = millis();
  if(PINB & B00000001){                                     //We make an AND with the pin state register, We verify if pin 8 is HIGH???
    if(pulse_state == 0){                                   //If the last state was 0, then we have a state change...
      pulse_state = 1;                                      //Store the current state into the last state for the next loop
      one_rotation_time = current_count - previous_count;   //We make the time difference. Rotation_time is current_time - previous_count in milli-seconds.
      previous_count = current_count;                       //Set counter_1 to current value for next loop.
  else if(pulse_state == 1){                                //If pin 8 is LOW and the last state was HIGH then we have a state change      
    pulse_state = 0;                                        //Store the current state into the last state for the next loop    

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