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Portable iron

Homemade portable soldering iron - CODE
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Download the .zip file below. Open the Arduino (.ino) code on your Arduino IDE and upload it to the PCB using the FTDI programmer connected to the UART RX and TX pins. Make sure you have the PCB as in the schematic below. You could downlaod the code from the link below or also copy and paste the code from below.

Downlaod the code here (last update 16/09/2018)

Remember to install the libraries:
Download fastPID library:
Download Adafruit_GFX library:
Download Adafruit_SSD1306 library:

arduino schematic soldering station

arduino schematic soldering station

/*ELECTRONOOBS portable soldering iron V2.0 | Changed on 01/09/2018
Tutorial here:
Scheamtic here: */

//This are the bytes for the EN logo
static const unsigned char PROGMEM  logo_EN[] =
B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000,
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B00110011, B11111111, B11000000, B01111110, B00011111, B00111111, B11001111, B11110011, B10000001, B11110000, B01111111, B10011000, B01100111, B00111100, B11001100, B11110000,
B00110001, B11111111, B11000000, B11111110, B00011111, B00110000, B00001100, B00110011, B10000001, B10111000, B01110000, B00011000, B01100111, B00111100, B11001100, B00000000,
B00110011, B11111111, B11000000, B11111110, B00010001, B00110000, B00001100, B00110011, B10000001, B10011100, B01110000, B00011000, B11000111, B00110010, B11001100, B00000000,
B00111111, B11111111, B00000000, B11111110, B00010001, B00111111, B11001100, B00110011, B10000001, B10001110, B01111111, B10011111, B00000111, B00110010, B11001100, B00000000,
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B00111111, B00000000, B00000000, B11111011, B00011111, B00000000, B11001100, B00110011, B00000001, B10011100, B01110000, B00011011, B10000111, B00110001, B11001100, B11110000,
B00111111, B00000000, B00000000, B11111011, B00011111, B00000000, B11001100, B00110011, B10000001, B10110000, B01110000, B00011001, B11000111, B00110001, B11001100, B00110000,
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//Bytes for the sleep mode icon with button pressed
static const unsigned char PROGMEM  press_logo[] =
B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000,
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//Bytes for the sleep mode icon with button NOT pressed
static const unsigned char PROGMEM no_press_logo[] =
B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000,
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B10000001, B11000010, B00000000, B01000000, B10000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B11000000, B11000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000,
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B10000001, B00110011, B11100111, B11001111, B10000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00111111, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000,
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//First include libraries
#include <SPI.h>                   
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>         //Downlaod it here:
#include <Adafruit_SSD1306.h>     //Downlaod it here:
#include <FastPID.h>              //Dwonload it here:

//OLED setup
#define OLED_RESET 8
Adafruit_SSD1306 display(OLED_RESET);
#define NUMFLAKES 5
#define XPOS 0
#define YPOS 1
#define DELTAY 2
#if (SSD1306_LCDHEIGHT != 32)
#error("Height incorrect, please fix Adafruit_SSD1306.h!");

//Inputs and outputs
int MOSFET_pin = 3;     //Pin that goes to the BJT that drives the n-MSOFET gate
int increase_pin = 7;   //Top button of the board (temperature increase)
int decrease_pin = 4;   //Bottomop button of the board (temperature decrease)
int vibrate = A1;       //Input from the vibrations sensor
int temp_sense = A0;    //Input from OPAMP (temperature read from thermocouple) My OPAMP gain is 201 (R1 = 1k, R2 = 200k)
int buzzer = 5;         //Pin for the buzzer


/*PID variables. Fine tune this values. Start with P=1 and D and I = 0. Start increasing till you get good results*/
float Kp=7.98, Ki=0.055, Kd=0.86, Hz=10;          /*My values: Kp=7.98, Ki=0.055, Kd=0.86, Hz=10;*/
int output_bits = 8;                              //With 8 bits, maximum PID output is 255, and that's waht we need for analogWrite
bool output_signed = false;
FastPID myPID(Kp, Ki, Kd, Hz, output_bits, output_signed);

//////////////////////////////////////////YOU COULD CHANGE THIS VALUES IF YOU NEED TO//////////////////////////////////////////////////
//Editable Variables (change these values below to fit your project)
String Version = "Version 2.0";
float min_temp = 200;                            //This is the minimum temperature that the iron could get
float max_temp = 500;                            //This is the maximum temperature that the iron could get
float Delay=300;                                 //This is the time in ms the loop runs (PID+temperature read)
int   setpoint = 280;                            //Temperature setpoint initial value
unsigned long sleep_time_detect = 300000;        /*This is the time it has to wait with no vibrations till getting 
                                                 into sleep mode. 300000 seconds = 5 minutes*/

//Other variables used in the code
float temperature_read;
int logo_slide =128;
int temp_to_print = 0;
int i = 0;
int i_prev = 0;
bool set_temp_made = false;
/*Time counters*/
int sleep_out_count = 0;
int temp_change_count = 0;
int both_pressed_count = 0;
int sleeplogo_count = 0;
unsigned long sleepmode_vibrate_counter = 0;
unsigned long previousMillis_sleep = 0;
unsigned long currentMillis = 0;
unsigned long previousMillis = 0; 
int set_temp_slide_counter = 32;
int set_temp_slide_counter_up = -32;
bool sleepmode = true;
bool temp_change = false;
bool sleepmode_vibrate = false;
//ADC sampling variables
double CurrentTemp;

void setup() {
  /*Port C of the ATMEGA328 is for pins A0 to A5 so we eneable port C to be able to generate interrupts
  With PCMSK1 |= B00000010; we set PCINT12 (pin A1) to generate interruptions at pin state change. The vibrations
  sensor will give a low pulse each time it vibrates*/
  PCICR |= B00000010;    //enable port C o have interrupts                                                 
  PCMSK1 |= B00000010;  //Set pin A1 (vibration sensor) trigger an interrupt on state change.

  digitalWrite(MOSFET_pin,HIGH);    //With HIGH we turn ON the BJT so the n-Channel MOSFET is OFF
  digitalWrite(buzzer,LOW);         //Start with buzzer turned OFF 
  display.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC, 0x3C);  // initialize with the I2C addr 0x3C (for the 128x32)  
  /*Make a small buzzer beep*/
  while(logo_slide >= 0)  //Here we slide the ELECTRONOOBS logo from right to left
    display.drawBitmap(logo_slide, 0,  logo_EN, 128, 32, 1);
    logo_slide = logo_slide-8;
  display.drawBitmap(0, 0,  logo_EN, 128, 32, 1);

  display.clearDisplay();             //Clear the display
  display.setTextSize(1);             //Set text size
  display.setTextColor(WHITE);        //Choose color
  display.setCursor(25,11);           //Select where to print
  /*Now we print the version*/

  display.drawBitmap(0, 0,  no_press_logo, 128, 32, 1);

  sleepmode_vibrate_counter = millis();
}//end of setup loop

/////////////////////////////////////////////////////VOID LOOP STARTS//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

void loop() {  
  currentMillis = millis(); //First, we save the current elapsed time in milliseconds
  /*This below is the main loop where the PID and temeperature read are done*/
  if(  (currentMillis - previousMillis >= Delay) &&  (!sleepmode && !temp_change && !sleepmode_vibrate))
    previousMillis += Delay;  
    digitalWrite(MOSFET_pin, HIGH);         //Turn OFF the MOSFET so we could read the thermocouple
    delayMicroseconds(300);                 //Add a small delay so the voltage drop settles      
    temperature_read = read_temperature();  //Use read_temperature function (find function below) to read temperature

    /*PID part*/
    uint32_t before, after;
    before = micros();
    uint8_t output = myPID.step(setpoint, temperature_read);  
    after = micros();
    /*END of PID part*/
    analogWrite(MOSFET_pin, 255-output);       /*Finally we write the PWM signal to the n-MOSFET
    Since we have a BJT driver at the n-MOSFET gate, we invert the signal (255 - output) where
    output is the PWM value from the PID control*/
    temp_to_print = map_temp_to_print(temperature_read); /*This function is only for visual effect
    The temperature oscillates a lot a few degrees (2-3ºC), so this function will only print values 
    with 5 to 5 degrees steps*/
    display.clearDisplay();             //Clear the display
    display.setTextSize(2);             //Set text size
    display.setTextColor(WHITE);        //Choose color
    display.setCursor(10,0);            //Select where to print
    /*Now we print the setpoint and real temperature on the OLED screen*/
    display.print("Set: ");             
    display.print(setpoint,1);        //Print setpoint
    display.print("Temp: ");
    display.print(temp_to_print,1);   //Print real temperature
    display.display();                //This functions will display the data
  }//end of PID and temperature read loop
  /*Now we detect push buttons and get out of sleep mode*/
  if((digitalRead(increase_pin) || digitalRead(decrease_pin)) &&  sleepmode)
    previousMillis_sleep = currentMillis; /*We reset the vibration sleep counter just in case
    If any button is pressed, that means we don't want sleep mode*/
    if(sleep_out_count > 1300)
      sleepmode = false;
      sleepmode_vibrate = false;
      sleep_out_count = 0;
    sleep_out_count = sleep_out_count + 1;      
  }//end of dig read of buttons and SLEEPMODE activated
   /*If decrease pin is low and increase is high, we add 10 to setpoint*/
  if(digitalRead(increase_pin)  &&  !digitalRead(decrease_pin))
    previousMillis_sleep = currentMillis; /*We reset the vibration sleep counter just in case
    If any button is pressed, that means we don't want sleep mode*/
    if(sleep_out_count > 4000)
      temp_change = true;
      digitalWrite(MOSFET_pin,HIGH);      //With HIGH we turn ON the BJT so the n-Channel MOSFET is OFF
      sleep_out_count = 0;
      setpoint = setpoint + 10;
      if (setpoint > max_temp)
       setpoint = max_temp;  
    sleep_out_count = sleep_out_count + 1;      
  }//increase temp


  /*If decrease pin is high and increase is low, we substract 10 to setpoint*/
  if(!digitalRead(increase_pin)  && digitalRead(decrease_pin))
    previousMillis_sleep = currentMillis; /*We reset the vibration sleep counter just in case
    If any button is pressed, that means we don't want sleep mode*/
    if(sleep_out_count > 4000)
      temp_change = true;
      digitalWrite(MOSFET_pin,LOW);     //With HIGH we turn ON the BJT so the n-Channel MOSFET is OFF
      sleep_out_count = 0;
      setpoint = setpoint - 10;

      if (setpoint < min_temp)
        setpoint = min_temp;  
    sleep_out_count = sleep_out_count + 1;      
  }//decrease temp


  /*If both buttons are LOW, we wait and then EXIT the temp change mode*/
  if(!digitalRead(increase_pin) && !digitalRead(decrease_pin) && temp_change)
    if(temp_change_count > 28000)
      temp_change = false;
      temp_change_count = 0;
      set_temp_made = false;
      previousMillis_sleep = currentMillis;
    temp_change_count = temp_change_count + 1;

  /*If both buttons are HIGH for a while, we enter sleep mode*/
  if(digitalRead(increase_pin) && digitalRead(decrease_pin) && !sleepmode)
    if(both_pressed_count > 25000)
    both_pressed_count = both_pressed_count +1;


  if(sleepmode || sleepmode_vibrate)
    previousMillis_sleep = currentMillis;
    if(sleeplogo_count > 3000 && sleeplogo_count < 3005)
      display.drawBitmap(0, 0,  press_logo, 128, 32, 1);
    if(sleeplogo_count > 6000 && sleeplogo_count < 6005)
      display.drawBitmap(0, 0,  no_press_logo, 128, 32, 1);
      sleeplogo_count = 0;       
    sleeplogo_count = sleeplogo_count + 1;         
  }//end sleepmode

  //////////////////////////////////////no movement Sleep mode///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  if( (currentMillis - previousMillis_sleep >= sleep_time_detect) && sleepmode_vibrate == false)
    sleepmode_vibrate = true;
    previousMillis_sleep = currentMillis;

}//end of void loop

//This function will slide the temperature setpoint each time we change the value with the button down
void slide_set_temp_down(int tempe)
  while(set_temp_slide_counter >= 4)
    set_temp_slide_counter = set_temp_slide_counter-4;
  set_temp_slide_counter = 32;
  //set_temp_made = true;

//This function will slide the temperature setpoint each time we change the value with the button up
void slide_set_temp_up(int tempe)
  while(set_temp_slide_counter_up <= 4)
    set_temp_slide_counter_up = set_temp_slide_counter_up+4;
  set_temp_slide_counter_up = -32;
  //set_temp_made = true;

//This function will pass the real temperature read to values with steps from 5 to 5 degrees
int map_temp_to_print(int temp)
  while (i < 800)
     if(i_prev < temp && temp < i)
        return i;
     i=i+5 ;    
  i = 0;

float read_temperature()
   // Filter the ADC by multisampling with the values defined at the beginning
  int adc = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < ADC_MULTISAMPLING_SAMPLES; ++i)
    adc += analogRead(temp_sense);
    adc = adc >> ADC_MULTISAMPLING; 
  //Get the linear regression equations from excel data (Graph adc/temperature) (You need to perform real measures with externam thermometer) 
  double temp =  0.9241*adc - 51.146;
  // Additional filtering
  CurrentTemp += (temp-CurrentTemp)*0.05;

//This is the interruption vector for pin A1 where the vibrations sensor is connected.
//We deactivate the sleep mode when detected and reset the counter value
  previousMillis_sleep = currentMillis;
  sleepmode_vibrate = false;  

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